2words 2020. 11. 23. 21:14
1. getting off the hook: to allow someone to escape from a difficult situation/avoid something that they do not want to do (곤경/처벌을 면하게 하다) 2. offset: to counterbalance, to counteract (상쇄하다: 상반되는 것에 서로 영향을 주어 효과가 없어지게 만들다) 3. overreach: to miss by reaching too far/or attempting too much (지나치게 욕심을 부리다 도를 넘다, 자기꾀에 자기가 넘어가다) 4. vantage point: a position that affords a broad overall view or perspecti..
1words 2020. 11. 22. 15:44
1. readjust: to adjust or arrange again, to adjust or adapt especially after an initial failre (다시 적응하다) 2. trajectory: the path of a projectile or other moving body through space (궤도) 3. optimum: the point at which the condition, degree or amount of something is the most favorable (최적의) 4. round out: to make or become bigger or plumper; fill out especially so as to be symmetrical (보충, 충원) 5. ec..